Monday, May 3, 2010

Rockhurst University President Supports the DREAM Act!

From the President of Rockhurst University to Sen. Claire McCaskill:

21 April 2010

Senator Claire McCaskill

United States Senate

Hart Senate Office Building (SH -717)

2nd & C Sts., NE

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator McCaskill,

I am writing to ask for your full support of The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act). As you know, this bipartisan legislation seeks to grant temporary legal status for six years to undocumented students, who come to the United States as small children and have documented a good record in school and the community. During the six years, these students must complete two years either in post-secondary education or military service. If they complete either they can then apply for permanent legal residency.

There’s a certain irony in the fact that the acronym for this legislation is the DREAM Act. One of the definitions for dream is that of cherished aspirations, ambition or ideals. Our nation’s history and heritage is rich with the stories of immigrants with dreams and aspirations. I hope you will join your colleagues in helping to make this dream a reality for these young people.

If we prevent the realization of this dream for these young people, we will limit the aspirations and ideals of our nation. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this legislation and for all you do to encourage the dreams of all who wish to be part of the United States.


Rev. Thomas B. Curran, O.S.F.S.


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